Shower Thoughts…Energy and Expansion


I had to write this down, so I wanted to share it with you. I stood in the shower, (where all crazy ideas are born), and I started getting this stream of consciousness.

We can’t expand past our energy

What do I mean by that? For example, if you view yourself a certain way, your energy (how you think) will always keep you in that cycle. If you step outside of it, it’ll feel scary, wrong, or you’ll self-sabotage yourself.

We are where we are for a reason. It’s where our energy is at.

I was letting these thoughts roll around in my head, and I was curious HOW we expand our energy to create a better life.

We have to create space for it

How do you create space for anything?

  • You decutter what you have
  • You evaluate
  • You let go

You have to step into a new you, to be a new you. You can’t just get there in a moment. Even if you’re saying 50 affirmations a day–you have to BE that energy.

You have to create that energy.

I’m an author. Creating something takes time, patience, love, and dedication. It doesn’t happen overnight. This blog is going to take me time to write, edit, and post. I don’t simply wave a wand and POOF I have a blog post. I have to create it.

Whenever we desire something, we have to catch up with it first.

How, how, how?

That’s what played around in my head. I’m a law of attraction person, and this isn’t new info, but I think some days you finally get what they’re talking about. We literally can’t expand past our energy, because we have to flow WITH it. We have to ride the wave of what is to get to the next step.


Let’s say you’re staring at a pile of laundry, what’s your first thought about it?

Ugh, it never ends.

I don’t have time for that.

Why doesn’t anyone help me?

Whatever the case, this is where your energy is at. You’re annoyed, frustrated, overwhelmed.

What if…just what if…you thought this instead…

Thank you that I have clothes to wear and a washing machine to keep  my clothes clean.

How would you feel, then?

To create a better energy flow, we have to change how we flow.

I believe thankfulness is key. 

I issue a challenge. Can we be thankful for everything in our life?

I don’t think we can truly expand into something more, until we draw on thankfulness for what IS. Can we look at what is and ask:

  • Why am I here?
  • What is my energy trying to tell me about this person, situation, or emotion?
  • Can I be thankful for this? 

When we fight against how we feel or the things we’re facing, it doesn’t feel good at all. Instead, if we turn to thankfulness, we can EXPAND into a greater energy to bring about the answers we need.

That’s my thoughts anyways. I want to be a happier, more expanded person today. How about you?

How to survive a newborn


I had this sudden urge to blog. Random. I haven’t touched this blog in forever, but here I am! I am a first time mom with a one month old little boy. He is amazing! I’m so thankful every day for this tiny human, but I will be blunt. Newborns are hard! So, how do you survive this stage? (I’m still in it by the way.) Here’s a few tips.

  1. Breathe Mama

I know it’s hard. Believe me. I’ve cried quite a few times from simply over-exhaustion, feeling like I got nothing done, or sometimes no reason at all. Take moments through the day to connect with YOU. Whether that’s a bath, a mini nap, do something you love (like I love writing and try to every day). It’s so important for you not to get lost in the shuffle of diaper changes, feedings, and sleeping.

2. Sometimes they cry and it’s okay

This is hard! My little boy sometimes has screaming fits for 1-2 hours. I’ve tried lots of things, and it can feel like you’re losing the battle quite often. Don’t fret. A lot of babies face bits of crying. Stay as calm as you can, since infants can sense stress and will react to it. If you need a break take a couple minutes to cry, calm down, go to the bathroom, or lay your head down.

3. Stock up on gas drops and gripe water

I have lived on this stuff. Whenever he has times of gassy-fussy moments I bust out the gas drops and gripe water. Those things are amazing, and often help within a few minutes.

4. You’ll eventually start to recognize their cries

Now that I’ve been a mom for a little over a month, I’m starting to get in the swing of things. I can tell when he’s hungry, tired, gassy, uncomfortable almost right away. I don’t always get the clue, but I try all the things until one sticks. You’ll get this, Mama!

5. One piece zip up outfits

Buttons are a pain in the butt. When your little one is kicking and screaming, and you’re trying to button those stupid outfits up, it’s super annoying. I realized I should have bought and stocked up on zipper one piece outfits.

6. They pee and poop on everything. Just laugh.

I have been projectile pooped on twice now, but peed on, good lord, more times than I can count. I take a burp rag now and cover him up for precaution, but sometimes it still gets me! When he managed to shoot poop on me, my leggings, socks, and the floor, I just started busting up. You’ll have hilarious stories to tell him/her later on.

7. Enjoy the little smiles and live on them

When he smiles I melt. Oh my god, he’s so adorable. The cute, little moments help you survive the crazy crying, late night feedings, poopy/pee crises and so forth. You need those awwww moments to survive the newborn stage. Treasure them! I love to dance with my son, and it always makes me teary-eyed.

8. Don’t worry about offending people

If you’re late. Oh well. You have a tiny human who demands your attention nearly 24/7. I’ve felt a tad bad when I’m late, but then I remember I literally am trying to keep this little person happy, fed, and alive. It’s a tough job being a mama, and people who have kids will understand.

9. Don’t do too much

It’s easy to feel like you got NOTHING done through the day, but simply remind yourself what you did do. Fed the baby, changed him, changed him again, managed to get a shower, napped, and fed the baby again. It’s a tough job. Don’t stress if your house isn’t perfect. You’re still recovering from a huge ordeal.

10. Snack

I still feel like I don’t get enough time to eat, but it’s super important to eat and snack for your body to stay healthy. Keep snacks beside your bedside or wherever you feed your little one. I keep a water bottle near me all the time, and I try to drink water constantly. I keep a little basket with granola bars beside me.


Do You Feel Abundant?


Excerpt from my book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel

What do you think when you hear the word abundance? I think of rivers flowing, endless beauty, joyful living, and everything full of life.

What comes to your mind?


This isn’t always the case, but many people think of abundant living as happiness. They see people who have nice homes, cars, money, a business, a good relationship, or anything that brings happiness (in their eyes), and they crave it.

Here’s the kicker. How do you feel watching people who are abundant?

  • Do you feel jealous?
  • Do you feel sad?
  • Do you grow despondent?
  • Do you feel angry?

Abundance is a Stream


It’s a non-stop flow of something. You may have an abundance of collectibles, clothes, books, dust, or anything really. Abundance feels like overflow. It’s always more than enough.

What in your life is abundant right now?

  • Unfinished projects
  • Creativity
  • Friendships
  • Household items
  • Clothes
  • Gossip
  • Ideas
  • Money
  • Fear

In the New Earth, whatever you feel abundant about will show up in your world. If you feel plenty about money—it will continue to grow. If you feel abundant about things, things will keep showing up.

Have you ever noticed how clutter comes out of nowhere? You may clean out your entire house, but suddenly it’s all back, and you have no clue how? That is because you have abundant thinking about clutter or those items around your house.

Abundance is a Mindset That Always Flows

It’s a river that brings to you what you most think of. If you step into the shoes that you are an abundant being—period—you’ll start to recognize it around you.

Abundance is Manifesting

It just may not be in the form of money. Whatever you are focusing the most on will come. Maybe you think, “I always find such good deals on books. I barely have to look, and they show up!” They come, because you believe this about yourself.

Maybe you think, “I always have the worst luck with relationships. It’s like I attract people who are crazy!”

Yes. Yes, you do. This is because you believe that about yourself. It’s in your energy field. When you continually speak, focus on, or believe something happens—it does.

“But, it is happening!”

Of course, it is. This is because, you are a powerful energetic being of light! The more you focus your energy onto a thought, feeling, or situation, it’ll grow and manifest.

You may have been raised in a very poor environment or even neglectful. So, as a result you believe you carry an abundance of poverty. You may think:

Every time I get ahead something breaks.

There are no good men/women left for me.

I do so much for others, but they never return the favor back.

No one cares about my wants, desires, and dreams.

The more you dwell on those abundant thoughts (for don’t you think them quite often?) the more you’ll have that stream manifesting those beliefs. Abundance is a natural state for you. It’s comfortable being abundant for you.

For example: if you are abundantly happy with your relationship, isn’t that what you come to expect and believe will happen for you? You’ve learned to gear your thoughts, emotions, and expectations for things to happen in a happy way with your partner.


You may not think abundance of what you don’t want is comfortable, but your subconscious thinks it is normal to revert back to that type of thinking and manifestations.

If you were to manifest a whole bunch of money, and you weren’t in alignment with that belief, you would naturally revert back to what’s normal or comfortable to you. If you had an abundant mindset of, I can never get ahead, that pile of money would soon convert into loss.

Weirdly, when you go against your current belief, it’s more comfortable for you to sabotage yourself in what you desire.

How do you feel about abundance? If it’s not what you want, it’s time to change a little bit at a time.

Emotions are created from thoughts, and you can change your thoughts.

To read more messages from Archangel Uriel, check out my book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel

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How to Attract Abundance with Archangel Uriel #abundance


Excerpt from my book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel


When people think of the New Earth, they often think of keeping themselves humble. At times, this can be a mindset of barely scraping by, wearing rags, and waving their arms wildly in the streets with a message.


That is old school, guys. In this day and age, we’d rather you be overflowing with abundance of wealth, health, freedom, influence, friends, relationships, and more.

If you are drawn to the message of sharing light, love, joy, peace, grace, and the hope of the New Earth, you need something to back you up. If you are giving 99% of your energy to a dead-end job, toxic relationship, or anything that drains you emotionally, physically, and spiritually, it’s time to call on your angels of abundance.


Wealth=Rich People

What is your belief about that?

Do you think rich people are evil, snobs, selfish, angry, greedy, rude, wasteful, or anything negative like that?

Search your heart. Ask yourself: why don’t I want to be rich?

Maybe you’re thinking, of course I want to be rich!

Truly, ask yourself and listen to your little self (ego) why riches may scare you. (If you’re struggling with this concept.) It may be a belief that if you’re rich, people will treat you differently, or how will you know who’s actually your true friend?


You may think you will become evil, greedy, mean, or negative if you have a lot of money. Your little self (ego) will keep you far away from money if you believe that. Your higher-self knows that those beliefs aren’t true, but if you haven’t learned to soothe the little self about these concepts, it will rule over you.

Tips on Attracting Abundance

  1. Uncover your belief about abundance.
  2. How do you feel about rich people?
  3. Work on changing your thoughts surrounding abundance.
  4. Embrace worthiness for wealth.
  5. Each day continue these steps.

To read more messages from Archangel Uriel check out my book: How to Awaken the New Earth with Archangel Uriel







How to Deal With the Ego


Excerpt from my book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel

Change is in the Air

Change can be scary. It’s uncharted territory that you’ve never breached before. This is why when gifts start to surface, it can bring out some of your worst fears:

  • Will I be an outcast?
  • What if people dislike me?
  • What if I do it wrong?
  • What if I hurt people in the process?
  • Am I selfish for wanting this?

When you execute your gifts here on Earth, you’ll be bombarded with many questions from your little self. Most of you have probably called it the ego, and while that term is fine, I like to look at it a bit differently. The little self is generally scared of something. It’s trying its best to look out for you by bringing up past experiences for you to relate to.

The Little Self Needs Loved Too

When you look at the scared parts of yourself what do you do? Do you shame it? Do you love it? Do you ignore that part?

The little self can get way out of hand, and you sometimes have to ignore the voice. I want to encourage you to love it. Intergrade into your higher-self the lessons from the little self. The little self is what is having the human experience, and so it can be a bit boisterous with its fears.


It is much like a little child fearing the monsters in the closet. When you address the little self, look at it like a child. Call to it, pull it up in your lap, and reassure the little self you’ll be fine. It looks at time as past and future, and it can’t help but freak out over everything. When you call to it, soothe it, and love it, the little self will lighten up immensely.

The Little Self Looks For Guidance

If you step up, grab its hand, and lead the little self, it won’t be so afraid of everything. If you have read about getting rid of the ego, your life will be a painful journey, because you are in union with the little self. You chose this life, and you chose to learn this way.


If you were only meant to operate from the higher-self, you’d have stayed in the realm of the spirit. You came here to play, learn, grow, and reflect on those lessons once you passed through to the other side once more. You’re always learning, little ones. You enjoy the process of learning, and so you continue to do so.


If you’d like to read more of Archangel Uriel’s messages, check out my book: How to Awaken the New Earth with Archangel Uriel

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How to Look Weird and Be Proud of It

Excerpt from my new book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel


You’re Going to Look Weird

Think of all the great spiritual leaders of their time. They were mocked, told they were insane, and looked the impossible in the face, yet they still believed in something greater—their gift. It’s time to get over the fear of looking weird or different.

It’s Time to Tune Up

A car has all the parts, but there can be wear and tear from seasons, rough patches, and other things, but you don’t throw out the car.

You get it appraised for a tune up, and you look at the damages that you need to repair. When you step into the New Earth mindset, you will have times of tuning up, and you may think, what is wrong with me? Why am I such a clunker mess?


Don’t worry about that. You’re simply exchanging one old belief for a brand new one, and in that exchange, you may run into some rough patches. In fact, I will warn you a bit, because as you tune up to the New Earth energy, you’ll have people outright telling you how different you are (and not always in a nice way.)

When you go from an old clunker to a brand-new car, people are going to notice. Especially when you start manifesting what they want. (Be warned.) They may come after you with a few attitudes.

Those who don’t tune up, may grow angrier at God, you, or a host of other people, because they aren’t in alignment with what they desired for years.

You’ll start showing signs of improvement through:

  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Dreams
  • Cars
  • Spiritual gifts
  • Career

Be warned. I know that sounds scary, but it really isn’t. If someone comes at you and starts flinging attitudes, because you stepped into the new awareness, and they have not, offer them compassion.


It’s like a child who wants to drive. You don’t grow angry at them; you offer them love and support in their season. Some of them will grow up quick, while others will only mock and swear at your accomplishments that they want too.

Have you seen X-Men? It will be much like that. Where some will be demonstrating their new-found powers, others will fear, disdain, or mock the new awareness that’s manifesting. They won’t be able to escape it though. It will spread through social media, TV, churches, local gatherings, families, and more.

If you are a weirdo, be proud of it, because weird is the new normal.

If you want to read more messages from Archangel Uriel, check out my new book: How to Awaken the New Earth with Archangel Uriel 

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How to Deal with a Narcissist with Archangel Uriel

In my newest book: How to Awaken the New Earth with Archangel Uriel, he addresses dealing with a narcissist. Check out what he said below.


Narcissistic People

I know you like to categorize some into the narcissistic personality, but have you ever wondered what that is?

Let me give you an inside scoop about that. A narcissistic personality is labeled as anyone who doesn’t listen to others needs, emotions, and does what they want to do. They are all about themselves, and they need to be praised for everything. If you criticize them, they grow angry or throw a fit.

Let’s break this down really simple.

A narcissist has no personal power. If you are intermingling with someone with these traits, you can see how they constantly make you or others to blame. When stepping into your own personal power, be aware of people who will try to squelch it.

Stepping Into Your Power is Love

Having personal power does not mean you are a narcissist. In fact, in means the exact opposite. A narcissist feeds on the power of others. They use anger, judgement, blame, and everything within their power to make you the culprit for their problems.

They don’t take responsibility for their actions and how they hurt others. These people have zero power. They may seem like they are those who are in control, boss people around, and demand attention from others, but that’s the thing.

Since they have zero personal power, they demand others’ power and attention to feed them. It’s a disease. When you look at someone who has a mental disorder or disease, do you grow angry at them for it? Or do you try your best to understand it, so that you can both be healthy?

When facing this disorder, stand in your own power, and don’t allow them to manipulate, control, or demand anything of you. Stick to your guns. They may even say you are the narcissist for not obeying what they want from you. If you know it goes against your heart, stay true to that.


They will soon feed on someone else. I know that sounds sad, and you may want to warn people about their behavior, but many times the narcissist will make you look like the bad guy in it all. They will play the poor me card with others, until they gain a following.

Don’t worry about that. They will be found out. If people are around them long enough, their mental disorder will peek out. I am not saying be unkind to those with this disorder, but stay in your own personal power. That’s the key in it all.

If you feel your emotions are in turmoil about them, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Why do I feel I need to save them?
  • Can I make them change? (The answer is no)
  • Can I help them learn their lessons? (Again no)
  • Why do I feel responsible for what they do?

When you operate in the New Earth mindset, you will easily see this disorder, as well as those who allow themselves to be used by them. It may make you angry to see people follow a narcissistic person, and you may even attempt to disengage that connection.

I want to give you a fair warning. If the follower is not ready to disengage and accept their own personal power (because those who feed a narcissist have no power either) your power will be attacked next.

Those who aren’t ready to see it, won’t. They will end up speaking ill of you. Such as: you broke up my relationship. 

If a narcissist feels they are losing control, they will freak out. They will start to snoop out why their partner/friend or whatever is suddenly resisting their need to control them. Be warned about this. They may come at you, so you must be prepared to handle this kind of battle if you engage.

We know you have compassion on these sheep-type people, but be aware. If you are ready to handle this situation, and you feel the person under control is ready for it, proceed with caution.


I step into my personal power.

If you’d like to read more of Archangel Uriel’s messages check out my book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel 

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How to Dissolve Drama with Archangel Uriel


In my newest book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel, this beloved angel has some great insight about drama.

Drama Never Solves Anything

Right? The more you feed the dramatic nature of the mind, the more it wants to feed on it. Look at your TV, media, social networks, neighbors, and anything really, and you’ll see how it is natural to feed on drama.

We know you want to feel something, and this is why I usher you toward stretching yourself outside of those circles you’re in. There are many who are above the drama, and you will find that living this life is more addicting than who said what and where.

Drama is Draining

When you focus on the drama going on (you don’t have to look far) it is pouring your energy into it. This is why I always encourage you to look at what is beautiful, lovely, and kind. When you look at what is going right, it pours more energy into that thing. When you look at what is going wrong, it enhances it.

You are an energetic being of light. You never stop giving energy out. Same as you never stop receiving energy. If you are focused on the dramatic things, it will feed drama to your soul.


I want to address the feelings of being overwhelmed. When you focus on the negativity in the world, it is far too easy to get caught in the flow of it. Instead of grabbing your tools and going to work, you may feel like giving up and staying in a bubble.

You are not here to stay in a bubble. You are here to work on restoring what was broken and lost. The earth needs you. It needs your love. Your soul chose to come here for several reasons:

  • Lessons to grow
  • To bring tools to teach
  • Spread love

If you are reading this, you have stepped into the realm of putting your hands to work. You are aching to restore what you know is true. The New Earth is YOU. You are the one who will spread the message of love to others. Living your life will be a tool to restore.

You may feel called to do a few things:

  • Teach
  • Write
  • Speak
  • Healing
  • Counsel

Don’t Forget Self-care

Know your limitations. When you understand yourself, you will help far more people than if you operate from a place of striving to get something done. There will always be hurting people. Always. Your job isn’t to fix them all. If you operate from that position, you will find a lot of pain and misery. You are simply the tool master to help them on their way. You cannot fix their problem. You may hand them the material and tools, but it is up to them to use them efficiently.

Efficient Building

Being a wise builder is what will get the job done. Sometimes people go at a project (whatever it may be) with this impulse to simply get it done. While this can be somewhat efficient, it can also lead to a lot of mishaps along the way.

For example: you may think, this person isn’t so bad. If I help them grow and change, I think our relationship will be perfect. I just want to be married.

I’m all for helping people grow and change, but to dive into a relationship headfirst, without counting the cost, isn’t wise. This can lead to years of ‘fixer-upper’ relationships that can create exhaustion.


When you go at a relationship with the mindset to accomplish a status or goal, you will find yourself quite depleted. Instead, if you allow growth, wisdom, flow, and love to come toward you—you won’t have to do all this fixer-upper management.

Not one of you are here to fix another. Not one. It’s not your job or responsibility to get into someone’s mess and fix it. It’s their job. You can be someone who hands them the tools and material to create stability in their life, but you aren’t the one who can put their hand to the plow and restore anything. Does that make sense?

You are an aid, tool, or helper to get them rolling in the right direction.


I let drama go. I walk in peace.

To read more from Archangel Uriel, check out my book: How to Awaken the New Earth With Archangel Uriel

Who is Archangel Uriel?

Who is Archangel Uriel?


Insert from my book: How to Work with Archangels

Archangel Uriel’s name means:

God is my light

Although in my past, I’d never heard of Archangel Uriel, he is normally included in the list of well-known archangels. Yet, according to some, information about him seems to contradict—unlike the other well-known archangels. He is known as the angel of transformation.

According to the Book of Enoch, Uriel went up against the Watchers, which was a collection of fallen angels, and protected the human race. He helped the prophet Enoch, who later ascended and transformed into Archangel Metatron. He generally has a flaming sword with him.

Archangel Uriel’s Gifts

Gives Us Information We Need

Archangel Uriel loves to give us epiphanies, ah-ha moments, ideas, information, and insights. Just like Yoda or a wise elder, Uriel is helpful for many situations.

Helps Writers, Business Issues, and Tests

If you are struggling to get ideas for your book, having trouble with business meetings, studying, or taking tests, call on Archangel Uriel. When you feel a download of thoughts and information, you’ll know he’s helping you.

Helps Pursuits of the Intellectual Kind

Working alongside Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Uriel will help you do well on tests or in school to help your intellectual career.

Turns Negative into Positive

Archangel Uriel helps turn your problems into a blessing. He’ll support you with challenges thrown your way.

Helps Make Clear Decisions

If you are struggling with making a choice, Archangel Uriel can help you think clearly. He aids in forgiveness, releasing old pain, and letting go of blame and anger. If you struggle with unclear thoughts, Archangel Uriel can help you with that too.


Red and Yellow

Crystals and Gemstones:

Hematite, Obsidian, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, and Rutilated Quartz


Sandalwood, Ginger, and Basil


Gentian and Red Hot Poker

Zodiac Sign:


Archangel Uriel in a Nutshell

  • Gives Us Information We Need
  • Helps Writers, Business Issues, Tests
  • Helps Pursuits of the Intellectual Kind
  • Turns Negative into Positive
  • Helps Make Clear Decisions

Message from Archangel Uriel

Dear little ones, I am here to help you up from life’s struggles. Contact me anytime you need help with clearing the air, connecting to higher realms, or healing from the past. I am not shy in aiding you in your daily life’s struggles. Don’t fret or worry about what will happen. You have an incredible team of support aiding you on this life’s journey through this realm.

Affirmation to Archangel Uriel

“Dear Archangel Uriel, thank you for helping me have the information I need with my career, creativity, and life. I ask for your help to transform the negative into positive.”

For more information on the archangels feel free to check out my book: How to Work with Archangels

The Angels say, “Write a blog post.”

So, I’m doing my thing today, when I heard, “Write a blog post.” I of course come back with, “About what, guys?” Needless to say, I have no idea what this post is about.

I’ve been reading a book called I Hope I Screw This Up by Kyle Cease. It has caused all kinds of life-changing revelations in there. One of which is–love every fear. Anytime something arises that we are punishing, in resistance to, or ignoring, we hold that in place. If we love the fear, “come here, fear, I love you no matter what” it suddenly stops all the nonsense the fear is trying to create.

It’s been interesting lately. I have these two sides (like all of us do) where I feel super empowered (like superman!) and it feels everything is going good, then the other side gets all whiny.

I’m a law of attraction girl, but it seems my mind wants to control it all. It wants to MAKE stuff happen, and I know that’s not the way it works, yet the mind still wants to do it. It’s quite annoying. I’ve been listening to Abraham Hicks for quite a while now, and thankfully when my minds get all whacko I start with a stream of better-feeling thoughts.

I get jealous. I get whiny. I feel like it’s all super hard.

That part of  me I still resist. I want to be positive, do my dream, help people with my heart-felt books, products etc… I know what I have to say is valuable, but then of course the other part of me says, this is a waste of time. No one cares. 

Ugh. Why do we have to fight that shit? I even wrote a book called Your Voice Your Choice, and it literally addresses those thoughts. I go through this type of thinking, maybe you can relate. There are so many people doing what I want to do. There isn’t enough customers, and why would they pick me? 

Maybe the angels just wanted me to write this shitty thinking to get it out in the open. I love writing, and it’s like something in me thinks I can’t have what I love. Dang, that’s the problem right there. 

I keep feeling overwhelmed lately, and when I feel it, I just want to go to sleep. I don’t know what’s the deal. I will go strong for a while, then want to hide under the covers from the world. I see people who constantly struggle, and it gets to me too. I know there is enough out there for all of us, I know it with my inner being, but its the other side that fights it all.

Maybe this post is just for me, guys. Maybe I needed to express my frustration with myself about being overwhelmed, annoyed that nothing seems to be easily working, and that my dream seems so challenging to continue. I wish money was just non-existent. I know focusing on lack of sales, customers, followers etc…only brings more of the same thoughts and experiences. The thing is–how do you move beyond that?

Does anyone actually have the answers out there?

I feel I’ve been searching for the answers forever. Maybe it’s because I AM THE ANSWER. Heard that before? Yeah, me too. I know we have this huge, inner being, and this huge inner wisdom. We can tap into all of it, but we are still human too. We have to work with the ego part of us that’s always freaking the f** out about it all.

Anyways, if you can relate with this–hang in there! We are all on this path of uncovering a deeper side of ourselves. I get overwhelmed with the amount of info, and I just want something to truly stick inside of me and make more sense.

Maybe together we can figure this shit out.