How to Work with Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel’s name means:
He who sees God.

I always feel warm and fuzzy when I think of Archangel Chamuel. Although, I haven’t worked with him/her a lot, I have had messages from this beautiful angel in my books. Most consider Chamuel a he, but I’ve felt a strong feminine energy that’s very comforting.

Archangel Chamuel’s Gifts


If you’ve been having issues of self-hatred or always putting others ahead of yourself, call on Archangel Chamuel to help you balance your self-love.

Peace and Divine Justice

Chamuel sticks up for those who are innocent. He pours in his divine strength to help us have the power we need.

Inner Peace

Archangel Chamuel’s goal is for global peace, so he helps individuals find their inner peace for their lives when they are going through rocky times.

Missing Items

Chamuel’s excellent vision helps you find items you’ve lost. From his high-altitude view, Chamuel spots our missing items and can clearly see the answers we are looking for with our daily problems.

Life Purpose

Archangel Chamuel helps guide you toward your life’s purpose, a more fulfilling job, a good relationship, home, or anything that you desire—as long as it’s for your highest good and aligns with your higher self’s purpose.

For more posts check out: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Uriel.

If you’d like to learn more about the archangels check out my new book: How to Work with the Archangels


Are you Spiritually Awakening?

Do you feel you are going through a process of awakening?

About a year and a half ago, I went through the process of awakening to my spirituality. Although I’ve been a Christian  my entire life, I didn’t feel satisfied in a lot of areas. I slowly started to get revelation through teachers, books, and people who seemed to pop into my life.

The process of awakening is no easy task, and the angels are eager to help you along that path. If you feel your gifting is starting to stir up, please understand that you are not alone! In every one of my Angel Guidance series the angels told  me what subjects to touch on and awakening was one of them. I sat there listening as they gave me their helpful advice. I hope it can help you too along this path!

Check out my little movie below to see what the angels said to me.

The angels want to help you with the process of spiritually awakening. If you’d love their help, check out my book Angel Guidance for Awakening Spiritual Gifts .


Channeling Archangel Raziel Video #channelingangels

I’m not normally comfortable with the word “channeling” but for lack of a better word of how I receive messages from the angels and write them down, I figured that’d be easiest. It was fun to do a video for my followers, and let them see how I receive these messages. If you enjoyed watching please hit subscribe to see more, since I plan on doing more soon! If you are curious about my books, check out Z.Z.’s Author Page where you can find all of my Angel Guidance books on sale! I absolutely love sharing what the angels say.


It’s okay to be different


I have like emotions upon emotions right now. I’m trying to sort through what I’m feeling and sensing, and it’s like wading through a bunch of half-written notes. All I know is:

I feel different. 

I’ve always been that kid who believed in unicorns, fairies, mermaids, and angels. That kid who looked for fairy rings and secretly hoped that the lochness monster was real. I have belief upon belief, and I want to believe it all.

I have changed dramatically in the last two years. I used to be scared of everything weird or out there because I was taught to be scared, wary, and freaked out by everything unique or weird such as: angel cards, stones and gems, talking to fairies/angels/spirits or different religions.

Wow have I changed.

It’s all conditioning. We are taught certain things to keep us boxed into a religion. I think many religions are good, and I realized that I was taught that other stuff was evil or to be cautious of it so that evil spirits wouldn’t come on me.

Hmmm…sounds like a good way to keep someone controlled to me.

Over the last couple years, my eyes have been opened to more. I am no longer afraid to explore different beliefs, without feeling I’ll be exposed to an evil spirit. One thing I have realized though is: many are still afraid of it. I still choose to keep my roots in Christianity: I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but….

I use angel cards.


I discovered these roughly a year ago, and at first, like any good Christian girl, I thought they were bad. Then I started watching videos, and I could feel how these simple cards encouraged me and others.

It was simply a tool.

I’ve always been intuitive, and for years I’ve given what Christians call: Words. Or more or less a “Reading” to those who are in the New Thought realm. The thought of using my gift to a broader audience really lit me up. So, I bought some cards, but I had to hide everything. I knew my Christian crowd would instantly say, “Evil!” And, so I hid it away from them.

I prayed to God, and asked what cards should pop out for people, and then with guided information whether my own intuition or other, I gave people help. And it was spot on.

Then another thing happened.

I was writing in  my journal one day when I heard a name and a bunch of information. I was like, “Huh? Is this an angel?” So, I started writing more and more, and grew extremely excited that angels talked to me. I’ve always heard God, or what I thought was God, and it was normal for me to tap into a spiritual side through prayer. I’ve even heard an angel say something to me out loud before as a kid, and one time I felt one touch my journal and push it down.

So, I published: Angel Guidance for Wealth.

This began a much bigger realm for me.

Problem was, people I knew didn’t agree with the fact that angels gave me guidance. Do I have Bible verses for that? No. Besides the fact that angels did give people messages and warned them etc.

Again, like I said, I’m different.

I’ve had pain and rejection because of these differences in beliefs. In fact, I know some people have called me names concerning it, and it hurt a lot.

People may not understand cards or angels, but I do.

I like them.

They bring healing to me and others.

It’s okay to be different.